When the siblings (and cousins) are in town at the same time in a year, and you have 6 kids below the age of 7, you do intensive and mind-boggling activities in short bursts of time. Here's a list (so far)......(not in order 'cos I'm still reeling from the effects)...
1) You eat in expensive restaurants and have peking duck 2 days in a row,
2) The kids are usually crying or screaming at the same time,
3) You try to take professional family photographs in a nice studio, and the children end up snacking a lot on each other's food, and/or running around in the studio chasing each other,
4) You learn that it is best to reserve your dinner (or lunch) reservation in a private room, equipped with a TV that must have the Okto channel,
5) You realise that kids enjoy jumping on the bed, no matter what the age and whose bed it is
6) You realise that kids like novelty - give them a new toy, someone else's food.....
7) You try to limit the number of prams and baby seats travelling in the cars 'cos you need room for adults
8) You want to keep your outings (and conversations) short and sharp 'cos you never know when you have to stop them
....and this is only the 1st week we were together.....and we are none the wiser...