Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thaddeus has Roseola

We had a scare recently when Thaddeus had 3 days of high fever, then followed by very big patches of red rashes. The doctor who saw him when he had the fever said that we should expect rashes to appear, and true enough, it did! It was Roseola, and the other siblings have had it before. But Thaddeus had the biggest patches of rashes, which kind-a scared me too.

The version of rashes you see here on his face is already in its 2nd day, so it was toned down already. You can imagine what it looked like when it first appeared on his face and body - really big ones!

Oh well, we were glad that the fever went away, and the rashes subsided after about 3 days. It was a relief!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thaddeus Sprouts Teeth!

No picture. I don't have a camera with me. Daddy has gone off with it.

I want to take Thaddeus 2 new teeth on his lower front gums. It sprouted a few days can hardly see the whites of the teeth, but if you open his mouth big enough, you can just barely see the edges.

The last week of February was a bad week for 3 of us. Thaddeus fell ill for the first time on 24 Feb - he had fever, followed by the flu and sore throat. I've been sick that same week as well with a bad sore throat, and to add on to that, Ethan had food poisoning (or salmonella, not proven, but suspected) on that same week! Ethan had eaten soft-boiled egg on Monday and Tuesday during recess in school, and had diarrhoea on Tuesday, followed by fever and vomiting on Thursday. He ate antibiotics and was much better the next day. I'm pretty sure he won't be eating soft-boiled eggs for quite a while!

School's out next week...wondering what to do with Ethan at home...