We were supposed to go to the Botanic Gardens today (it's a public holiday - Vesak Day), but we missed the carpark spaces, and ended up at the Ridout Tea Garden. This is where MacDonald's Queensway is located, and Far

East Flora is just beside it. It is a perfect place for a short outing wit
h the kids, as we discovered today. MacDonalds had installed a playground outside the restaurant (we haven't been there for a while), so Ethan & Zack had a swell time going through the tubes and slides.

Thereafter, we adjourned to visit the nursery, and went to the cold room to cool down, and bought 2 butterfly sticks - the type that you decorate your garden with. It was Sophie's first visit to see so many flo

wers and she kept wanting to touch them!
We also went to the pond where we saw many tortoises (or is it turtles?) basking in the sun. It was a hot day! The kids loved it tremendously.
I love that picture with them in the tubes. They look like they're having SO MUCH FUN!
Thanks, they certainly did, and I'd probably go there again!
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