Yup - you can never believe it: I cooked a meal today. I cooked it for myself. It's a big achievement as I've seldom cooked since I was married.
Well, Soon Guan would be envious - I don't think I ever cooked for him. Heh heh. The opportunity came since I was cooped up at home for 4 days on 'hospitalisation leave' for taking the Amnio test on Monday. It went smoothly and I will be back to work on Friday. Loved the freedom, hated the boredom - I was working every morning, and made it a point NOT to work in the afternoon, since I was supposed to rest. Weather was fantastic since it rained everyday, and temperature at home was really really cooling! Loved it and couldn't ask for more.
Today's dish took a bit more effort, since I had to get and cut up french beans, carrots, tomatoes, season the chicken, etc etc.....more than I would do for myself usually. But for the sake of baby and in the name of nutrition, I did it.
Regret to say that I spent the rest of today's evening in a teleconference (work) and sending emails (again) as I just realised that my boss is on leave next week, and I need key decisions to be made by tomorrow....so I'd better go to sleep now.....zzzzz.....
CONGRATULATIONS on cooking :) It's fun, no?
Yes, it's fun, but not when you do it everyday. I don't think I would enjoy it in the long run - too much effort, and all is eaten in 15 mins!
Congrats on your cooking...and your preg! When are you due? Same time as Serene?
I'm due in mid-August, slightly later than her. Boy!
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