Moral of the story: You must NOT wear only diapers for a baby who just pooped and went to sleep. Just when you think it's safe...it 'bites' you back!
Sophie fell asleep in the car on the way home, and she had pooped a small amount. So I wore her a new diaper, and let her sleep, thinking that she would be too hot to wear a pants over the new diaper.
I regretted NOT wearing any pants, as this is the result. I had left her alone in her baby room for about half-an-hour or so, and when I came back, a cheeky and smiling and SOILED Sophie was looking at me. She even laughed! I panicked and was screaming my head off as I carried her to bathe! She had poop all over her FACE and her hands, and her shirt, and the diaper was really really clean.

It's a good thing she is now on antibiotics (due to her cough), and so, we are not so worried...I hope she will not get any other infection from licking her poop. Who knows how much she licked......or ATE?!!!?! I cannot imagine!
OMG! EEEK! It's so funny what mommas like us talk about! haha.
AIYOH, this is SUCH a good story!
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