We usually practise 'standing in the corner' whenever the kids misbehave. Yesterday night, Ethan was told to 'stand in the corner', and Sophie promptly responded to Daddy's command, and also followed Ethan to 'stand in the corner'. It was such a funny sight! Ethan was sullen, and Sophie was looking at him wondering what happened with a very obedient face.
I couldn't resist, and repeated the instruction, so that I could get them both in this picture - however, as you can see, they found it funny, and the moment was lost. Nevertheless, I captured it!
These are the moments you cherish and it's what makes the kids so adorable!
Note: Sophie just sprouted her first pre-molar on the lower right side.
Ha ha... that's a good way to "punish" toddler... I will try it on Elvis as he always mishave... Sigh :(
Boys are Boys...
Yup, it's an effective way to get the toddler to understand that his privilege is withdrawn when he misbehaves. By standing in the corner, they lose their 'freedom' for that moment, and thus, is a form of 'punishment'.
Hope it works for you!
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