I enrolled him for an Art holiday program called "I am a Great Artist" at My Art Pod where children will be introduced to 4 artists: Frida Kahlo, Alberto Giacometti, Georgia O Keefee and Robert Laduke. This is a diverse program as children will experience using wires to make sculptures and paint their portraits on canvases using acrylic paints. They will also learn the techniques of perspective drawing as they work together on a group masterpiece replicating Robert Laduke’s ‘Big City’.
On his first day, he learnt about Frida Kahlo, and what I like about this program is that they incorporate art appreciation into the session before actually working on their art piece. You can see that he really enjoyed himself, even though he is the ONLY student enrolled in this program. Well, as long as he enjoys himself!
We spent the second part of Monday afternoon going for a Creative Thinking program which I enrolled him at Cairnhill Community Centre for 3 hours at S$20. He learnt the concepts related to "I M BAD" - I for Imgination, M - Mindmapping, B - Brainstorming, A - Asking questions, D - Dooling. All these are techniques for creative thinking, and the teachers said that he was participative in class and came up with good ideas. Good value for money, I must say.
1 comment:
I really like this picture he did.
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