Sunday, June 21, 2009

What is 19-1-2+2?

I think I now have 18 baby fishes.

It was 19, then -1 (because I miscounted), and minus 2 (because I found that 2 had died when I cleaned the tank), and plus 2 (when I suddenly realised that our longkang fish gave birth).

It happened yesterday, when I was staring at the longkang fishes (they are in a separate container from the rest), and then I saw 2 small baby fishes! It was so sad that I found only 2, as I was certain that they should have given birth to quite a number. I thought my baby guppy fishes did a wonderful jump from their 'tank' to the longkang fish 'tank', but realised that these 2 baby fishes are really bigger in size than the baby guppy fishes, and they are a little orange in colour!

Still cannot believe it!


Dot said...

What is that? Looks like a sock around the plug!

Emily said...

It's a protective cloth cover or bag, to prevent the baby fishes (fry) from being sucked into the water pump. I need the water pump to introduce oxygen into the tank for the fry.